Thousands of care providers are taking FREE courses from California’s top home care trainers!

Home care professionals can advance their careers with complimentary training from Caring4Cal! We have partnered with some of the top home healthcare training organizations in California to ensure that Caring4Cal participants receive the best instruction possible. Our partners have each been hand-selected as grant recipients out of thousands of applicants to participate in the Caring4Cal program and provide courses for participants. 

Our comprehensive training covers everything from essential caregiving skills to specialized instruction for care in specific areas, such as dementia and physical disabilities. Whether someone is just starting their career or seeking to enhance existing skills, Caring4Cal offers a wide range of courses tailored specifically to the needs of current and aspiring care providers.

Some of the top courses from our partners include: 

  • Nurse Assistant: This course helps care providers work with care recipients and their families across cultures, which is crucial in a diversifying world.
  • Avoiding & Responding to Combative Behavior: Behaviors can often be a sign of illness, pain, fear, discomfort, and/or loss in skills. It is important for Direct Support Professionals to understand that managing and interpreting behaviors are part of health care advocacy. 
  • Dementia & the Power of Music: This course teaches providers about the impact music can have on caregiving and the benefits it can bring to clients living with dementia. 

Personalized Coaching
Caring4Cal offers personalized coaching to help home care providers reach their goals and overcome challenges. Our experienced coaches give providers the support necessary to succeed throughout the Caring4Cal program. They can answer questions about specific aspects of Caring4Cal training or provide assistance in navigating the complexities of the healthcare system and applying for employment. 

Incentive Pay Rewards
At Caring4Cal, we believe that care providers should be recognized and rewarded. That’s why we offer incentive pay to providers who complete our training programs. Not only will they have the satisfaction of knowing that they’re making a positive impact on the lives of others, but they’ll also have the opportunity to earn additional income as a result of their efforts. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to help care providers build rewarding careers in home health care with courses from some of the top home care trainers in the state.

Visit today to learn more about our free training programs, personalized coaching, and incentive pay initiatives. Together, we can help care providers thrive.

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