Only Five Weeks Left for Caring4Cal, But It’s Not Too Late!

There are only five weeks left for Caring4Cal! Don’t worry: It’s not too late to sign up and take advantage of courses that fit into any busy schedule, even ones that can be completed in an evening or over a weekend!

Two-Day Acceleration for Your Career

For those juggling demanding schedules, Caring4Cal offers courses tailored to advance careers in Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) within a mere two days. Jump into specialized topics, gaining valuable insights and positioning for financial incentives. Discover the possibilities to increase valuable skills over the course of a weekend.

Courses Tailored for Busy Evenings

Acknowledging life’s demands, Caring4Cal presents shorter online courses perfectly suited for evenings when time is at a premium. These concise sessions seamlessly fit into schedules. These courses, besides being cost-free, include personal coaching to guide learners as well as up to $2,750 in financial incentives to boost skills!

Immediate Action Required

We’re nearing the end of Caring4Cal — the program ends on May 31, 2024. Seize the extraordinary opportunity to redefine careers in HCBS. With only five weeks left, there is little time to take advantage of this program. Please share with friends, family, and anyone you know who would want to build their skills for free — before it’s too late!

Take the next step toward a brighter future for home healthcare in California!

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