Caring4Cal is celebrating the impact we're achieving together!

Proof in the Numbers

Over 29,400 care providers have trained with Caring4Cal courses and nearly $14.3 million in learning incentives have been paid out.

The program is successful because hundreds of thousands of care providers and Outreach Partners — including you — have visited We’ve reached networks, friends, and families.

These are not just numbers:

  • -More providers trained in specific aspects of home health care equates to a higher standard of care for recipients and empowers providers with knowledge.
  • -Coaching support means less stress for providers and a higher level of program completion and, ultimately, job satisfaction.
  • -Financial incentives reduce the stress and financial burdens of training.
    Most importantly, all these factors result in better outcomes and improved quality of life for care recipients in the home and community.

    Continue Your Outreach
    Let’s stay committed to expanding access to training, recognition, and support for care providers across California. Join us in continuing to promote Caring4Cal and ensuring that every care provider can thrive and better serve in their role before the program concludes.

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